Lisa Says / Poetry by Lisa Scarborough
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Will Dockery
2012-12-11 02:03:33 UTC
Lisa Says / Poetry by Lisa Scarborough


"Southern style beat poetry written by a southern belle/beat poet. Poems
about Life's hard licks, love and betrayal, faith and folly, hope and
disillusionment and, the after-effects.

This ain't no fairy tale book of sweet kisses and happily ever after. This
is life at both poles, the groovy and the ugly. Some stains never wash away
no matter how much you try. Some memories never fade.

But there's also memories that make you wish time had stood still at that
point as well...

LisaSays is straight from the source. This is a biography of sorts of a
period of time lived by the author, living at times a bohemian lifestyle
influenced by Jack Keroauc and the cold - water - flat - living experienced
by him and his friends..." -Lisa Scarborough
Will Dockery
2013-06-14 12:29:52 UTC
I'll check it.
Here's the movie version also:

I began digitizing all that 1990s video footage a friend shot of us all back
in those days, I can't quite recall his name but it is something like the
Sporting Goods people... Bent Something I call him.

Here is a section of his footage, audio muted to delete the goofy
commentaries he used to whsiper wgile he filmed:

Published on May 29, 2013
Will Dockery, Lisa Scarborough, George Sulzbach and friends in Shadowville

Does anyone compose silent movie soundtrack music? I need some for my
sillent movie...
