Lucy Potter
(too old to reply)
Daniel Daly
2013-03-29 08:16:41 UTC
Chronicles of the Children of Destiny
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Copyright 6176 SC

4 O’Clock
It was 4 O’Clock.  God was bored.  Too late for clubbing, and way to early to do anything useful for the day.  Nothing was open, except the 7 Eleven down the street.  But, suddenly, feeling hungry, he grabbed his wallet and wandered off.
‘Hey, big fella.  Good to see you again.’
God nodded at the 7 Eleven attendant.  He knew this one well.  Mark.  Made good slushies.
God looked at the hot pies.  There were 2 cottage pies left and a steak and kidney.  He was hungry – he ordered all 3.  Grabbing two cans of Coke, he sat out the front of the 7 Eleven, staring at the nearby street light, watching a car occasionally drive by, eating his pies.
Really, there was not much to do at 4 O’Clock on Sunday morning.
Suddenly someone walked up to the store, dressed in sneakers, shorts and a t-shirt, which all looked saturated.  It was Daniel.
God assessed the situation, walked over to him and asked, ‘Are you having an episode?’
Daniel, the schizophrenic, didn’t like saying anything was ever wrong with him.  But it was the big fella.
‘I’m broke, God.  No money.  I’m miles from home.  I was at the river, not knowing what to do.  I dived in and crossed over and wandered around the mountains.  But I came home.’
God looked at his son.  ‘Come on.  Come with me.’
Daniel followed God to his flat, were God got out his car, told Daniel to sit in the front seat, and drove him back home to his worried parents.
Later on God was enjoying his cooled off pies.  Daniel was always a worry, but Schizophrenia took a life time to heal.  But that was what God’s were for – looking after their sick children.
It was well past 4, he took a sip of his Coke, turned on MTV and mellowed out, thinking on Daniel, and finally, after a hectic 23 hours, falling asleep.
He dreamed his dreams, and the Sandman reminded him he would be awake by six, but he didn’t care.  It was slumberland of the soul, and another days passions were put to rest in the life of the Theophany of the Almighty God and Father.
 The End

4 O'Clock 2

2,120,100,207 HY

They were at the Daly's place in Alice Jackson crescent in Gilmore. God was watching MTV on Foxtel, and it was 4 O'Clock in the morning. The old man would get his hours sleep at 5. It was all he ever got. Funnily, it was all he ever needed. He was God, after all, a radiant bundle of energy.

Wormdog was playing the Megadrive with Daniel, and his girl RiRi was snoozing on the floor, 'Good girl gone bad' playing on repeat beside her on the small stereo. God was happy. But he was happy most of the time, anyway.

'God,' said Daniel. 'Let's get Doug. Go up to Macarthur horse paddock. He gets up about this time. God snorted, clearing his nose, and pulled out a tissue to deal with the snotty mess.
'Sure, Danny. We can get some pies from BP.'

God ordered 3 Cottage pies, and as they sat in front of Chisholm BP, early in the morning, God spoke up. 'I remember some of your thoughts from around here, Daniel. You always liked philosophy on you thursday morning pay days.'
Daniel drank his ice tea and smiled. The edge of life, the intensity, thoughts like that were brilliant in his memories now. They had been challenging to live, but the rewards had been eternal. And the Tuggeranong they lived in, in the Realm of Eternity, was one particularly imbued with Daniels spiritual memories.

They finished up and walked to upper Macarthur, found Doug on the front porch, playing his acoustic guitar softly, smoking, still the coolest rock and roller the band Kings X were famous for giving to the world.

At Macarthur horse paddock, they all stood there, in the dark, looking at the flashing light of the beacon in the distance, enjoying the ethereal spiritual memories of Daniel in particular, who had visited the place often at night during his earthly sojourn. It was bliss. Dark, quiet, calm, bliss. A horse trotted up, and God spoke soothing words to it.

They were happy. 4 of the most intense souls in the universe. 'Is pleiades happy tonight?' Doug asked God, his ritual question at this place. God just smiled.

They got home, and God lifted up the snoozing Rihanna and placed her in the guest bed and lied down next to her. And he slept, and he dreamed, and the Sandman kept him once more entertained with another thrilling adventure in the heart of eternity.

The End

4 O'Clock 3

5,069,347,842 HY

Wormdog looked at the young dog. It had rabies. 'God. Will it live?'
God looked at the young Kelpie. 'I'm afraid its on its last legs, Wormdog. I know you love dogs, but there is nothing we can do to help it. It is just going to die.'
Wormdog was sad. He loved to help dogs when he could. 'Is there,' he paused. He didn't want to ask. It was generally not God's way. Only on rare occasions. 'Is there, something you can do, father?'
God looked at Wormdog. 'Ok. Son, ok. On this occasion. The dog should have known better, and really should get what is coming to it, but on this occasion I suppose I can give it a break.'
So God knelt down, touched the dog on its rabied mouth, and the dog whimpered, layed down, and slept. All that night it slept. At 4 O'Clock the following morning Daniel got up in the middle of the night, got some bacon out of the fridge, some tomatoes and eggs, and started a fry up. He was hungry. He noticed, though, the dog. The Kelpie, out the back. It was lying there. And it looked better. Cured.

God was woken by Daniel, as well as Wormdog, and Daniel said 'How could it have been cured? You guys didn't do anything did you?' He looked suspiciously at God who had a 'Who Me?' look on his face. Wormdog didn't say anything. You see, Daniel had found the dog on a walk around upper Macarthur, a stray, and it was not microchipped. He didn't want to hassle those who had kicked the dog out, so took it home, and let it whimper at the back of their Alice Jackson crescent home in peace. He felt mercy on the dog.

But Wormdog had loved the dog instantly, and Daniel suspected he had asked God to cure it.

'You did it, didn't you God?' asked Daniel, looking at his heavenly father.
'I have no idea what you are talking about, son of mine,' said God.
'Sure,' said Daniel.

They petted the dog for a while, and it played around in the back yard, the back light on, before Cyril got up and asked what all the fuss was about.
'Sorry dad,' said Daniel. 'We'll get some sleep soon. You know our hours. All over the clock.'
'Well some of us have to work in the morning.' Cyril looked at the dog. 'Is that dog better?'
Daniel nodded.
Cyril looked at God. 'You don't normally do that. Against your protocols for heaven. We reap what we sow.'
God looked at Cyril squarely. 'Son of mine, without the mercies of heaven, what kind of life will be at the end of eternity when each of us is so completely sure of the pillar of morality we have all built up our eternal lives upon.'
Daniel felt guilty. 'I'm a Karaite. Give me a break God.'
And God turned to Daniel and looked angrily at him, very sternly, then softened. 'So I will forgive you in the end. But remember those promises, Daniel Daly. Remember those obligations you promised me.'
Cyril sat down on the porch and picked up the JPS Tankah. 'It is all underlined and highlighted. Daniel has been arguing with us for millions of years now. That even though we might be keeping the faith for now, we need to inscribe this on our heart. This legalistic reasoning.'
'They are our obligations, Dad. God judged us by them.'
Cyril looked at God. 'Did you?'
God said nothing, but smiled at Cyril. 'That is for you to work out, Cyril Daly. All things answered in time, child of mine. But I do promote Karaism, in the end, when asked specifically what I promote. It is the core of the faith.'
Cyril nodded. 'Yes. You say that. You say a lot of things, though, you know. But you do say that as well.'
'Then that should answer your questions.'
'A pillar of morality?' asked Wormdog. 'What is that supposed to mean?'
God smiled, looked up at ths stars, and said to them all. 'The Sandman is greeting me in half an hour. I want my MTV fix, friends. Family. And I'm hungry.'

Daniel went inside, put a microwave dinner into the microwave, and as God sat at the couch, watching his MTV, Rihanna walked in, slumped down on the couch and laid down upon his legs, and went back to sleep. Daniel gave God his meal, and they watched MTV for a while, before God dozed off, almost exactly at 5 O'Clock.

Daniel watched his heavenly father, and Cyril watched him sleep for a while, before he went off to the supermarkets for some morning grub.

God dreamed. He dreamed of a giant dog with rabies, running through a meadow, and stopping at himself, who had been turned into a tiny dwarf. 'Ruff. Thank you,' said the dog.'
'Good on you Rex,' said God, for no apparent reason.
'My name is Rufus,' said the Dog.
'Oh, sorry,' said God.
'Just kidding,' said the dog. 'Yes, it is Rex.'
'Tease,' said God.
'Woof,' said the dog.

The End

4 O'Clock 4

6,500,549,736 HY

'With you I'll always share.' God smiled, and caressed Rihanna's hair, and took the icecream from her, devoured it in a few gulps, and smiled happily, in his Hawaiian shirt, wandering around Cooma Showground at the Annual fair.

Later, the fireworks, and they were spectacular as the show ended. 'Just as good as last year,' said Rihanna. God concurred.

They didn't make it back home to 29 Merriman until 4 O'Clock. Daniel was up, as usual. He rarely slept around this time, these days. Meludiel was in, at the moment. Dating Callodyn, as she liked him somewhat as well, now. Usually obsessive over Ambriel or Daniel the Seraphim, but long ago Meludiel had joined a Haven Noahide Fellowship meeting, inquring, and had met Callodyn all those years ago. Now she liked him. And he was somewhat keen on her now as well, although he always felt he would end up with Kayella in the end.

'You didn't last in heaven,' said God, matter of factly. '4 billion years in your traditional roles, and you broke. So the children dispersed once more. What makes you think, then, that you will end up with Kayella in the end? You never last anywhere, son?'
Daniel looked guilty at God reading his thoughts. 'Do I need to, in the end. I have always promised myself that I would stay near home, in the end, and that in all my travels, I would never be far from the heart of the Realms. From Centreworld, as they call it these days. Anyway God, how big is Centreworld?'
God smiled at him. 'We're talking Googols, son. Big enough for your mind to go whoa. That is all you need to know.'
'Googols of what?' Daniel asked suspiciously, but God had already sat down in the lounge, loaded up Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Megadrive, and was twiddling away, Rihanna going off to the back bedroom.

'Well. I won't leave Centreworld. Not very much, anyway. I don't need to go off meeting new people all the time. So, in my defense, while I like to mix up my life from time to time, with new locations and new people, I always drift back into the same crowds in the end. Just meeting everyone, I guess. In Centreworld, I guess.'
God nodded, smiling, but concentrating on his character.
'I mean. Centreworld is your idea, isn't it God?'
'What are you driving at, Daniel?' asked God, turning to his son.
'Its what Ambriel tells me. You like your oldest closest of all. You developed life, the universe, and everything I guess, all with this Centreworld concept in mind. Didn't you. You knew, in the end, we wouldn't drift too far outwards. That our love for our friends, our family. For everyone. That it would keep us rooted here. That we wouldn't be drifters in the end. That we wouldn't be lonely in the end.'
'I have no idea what you are talking about,' said God, returning to his game.
'I'm sure you don't,' said Daniel.

5 O'clock drifted around, and God dreamed.

Sandman showed up with a very angry looking Daniel. He was caught in a giant plastic bubble, with Centreworld written all over it.
'He really has that big an ego,' said the Sandman. 'Centreworld is just not big enough for him.'
God sighed and shook his head. 'I'll crack you yet, Callodyn the Cherubim.' But all Callodyn would do was struggle to be free of his cage, yelling 'bloody let me out of here.'

God chuckled. And chuckled. And chuckled.

And the Sandman shook his head, and Daniel gave up, fell asleep, and the world turned.

And the world turned.

And the world, yet again, turned.

The End

4 O'Clock 5

It was 4 O'Clock. In the morning. Daniel was playing Sonic the Hedgehog 18 on the Megadrive, God sitting on the couch at 29 Merriman, watching the game, half an eye on Jesus who was praying softly, looking tired. It had been a long night.

God took out a cigarette, lit it, and slowly smoked it. It was a Port Royal rollie. He usually rolled them each morning and put them in his silver plated cigarette case. It was his current habit.

'Let's go for a walk,' Jesus said. God got to his feet, and the two of them went off to circle the block. They stopped at the bench were God rested for a while, another of his habits. He offered Jesus a ciggie, and they smoked a few of them.

'Think the raiders will get up?' Jesus asked his father. God shrugged. 'Maybe,' he said.
'I've been praying for them all week,' said Jesus.
God nodded.
'Will they win?' Jesus asked him.
'Hard to say,' responded God. 'Daniel prayed about 12 hours all up this year for the dogs. A good effort.'
'Oh,' said Jesus. 'I've done about three.'
'Its about 10 hours to kick off,' said God. 'You've got time.'
'Mmmm,' said Jesus.

'Well?' asked God.
'No questions,' said Jesus. 'I like that you play fair, heavenly father.'
'I try,' said God.

They meandered home.

They found Daniel reading the psalms out loud and praying fervently to Jehovah for victory in the match.

Jesus looked at God with a look which no human words could describe.

'Well, you know,' said God.

The Bulldogs slaughtered them.

Jesus was not impressed.

The End

4 O'Clock 6

It was 4 O'Clock. In the Morning. God was out in northern area of Weston Creek, wandering around the wilderness of it all. This Canberra had never developed much beyond the early 2000s CE Earth-Based foundation. No settling of the Molonglo district, which was still bushland and uninhabited. And Daniel was in there, somewhere. His son, Callodyn, off on a psychotic attack, doing whatever it was that Daniel did. He could cheat, but didn't do that a lot these days. He didn't find the need to do that, very much, these days. He was experienced in his own humanity, as it where. They were back in the Realm, again, now. A few hundred thousand years on earth, were he had learned from Lady Gilliamham much of the finer points of English Etiquette, and Daniel had suddenly changed tack on the spiritual Yacht they were sailing, and had returned them to the Realm of Eternity to fulfil his plans for the future, rather than on Terra itself. God didn't mind. Daniel Rothchild was always an unpredictable angelic child of his. But, for now, it wasn't Daniel who was on his thoughts, but his brother Callodyn, who was somewhere in this mess of bush, lost, probably insane as usual, off his medication for many centuries now, and an attack had finally resulted. Cyril had confirmed it to him, and Mary had said that Callodyn needed to work through that issue, ultimately, for himself. Had to find his own answers, in the end.

It was Callodyn's predilection to suffer Schizophrenia. Almost the way God had made him to. Almost.

He started off, with his new walking cain, and shortly got a call from Rihanna who said she would come out and help him if he really wanted her to. She had insisted, before, but he told her to get some rest. And he reminded her to do so, yet again, and let the phone hang up.

He walked on, in the darkness, the moon giving scant light, and he came to the Molonglo, and decided to turn west and follow it down to the Murumbidgee. And there he found him, on the water's edge, in just his shorts and fongs, shivvering a little in the cooler weather, his feet in the water, looking depressed.

'Is this what you need? To feel alive? To get that rush?' God asked him.
Daniel looked up at him. 'Do I? Maybe. Maybe you are right. You say that, some times. I always fantasize about life on the edge.'
'You should answer the question to me. I don't like to poke about in your thoughts any more,' said God.

'I'm not crazy,' said Daniel. 'I'm psychotic, at the moment, but I am grounded enough. I know what is going on. I have enough reality now. Enough truth. But the thoughts are racing, yes.'

He sat there, and finally got up, and went to a branch of a overhanging tree and grabbed his green T-Shirt, which was all wet, and put it on slowly. God let him.

'Its raw. And untamed. And covenanted to stay as such forever. This Canberra I like the most of all,' said Callodyn. '2005 to 2007. By law. I feel - home, here.'

'Your meant to,' said God. 'Come on. You are probably hungry.'

When they got back to the road after a long trudge, and started south in God's 4WD, Daniel shivvered still, and God kept his eye on him. They stopped off at Doug's, and Daniel smoked a ciggie, and Doug sang him an old King's X song on his guitar.

Then they got home, and Rihanna gave him some warm milk with honey.

'Katy is here,' said Rihanna. 'She was worried. The flight arrived an hour ago. They cleared it as an emergency for her.'

'Oh,' said Daniel.

'She is in your room,' said Rihanna.

Daniel found his room, and Katy was in bed, snoozing, but awoke instantly.

'Your an idiot,' she said.

'I know,' he said.

She touched him, and brought him into bed with her, and they slept.

And God, finding peace again at 29 Merriman, slipped down to the back cottage flat, found his bed also with Rihanna, and as 6:30 gradually started lighting up the world, the Sandman had a duelling adventure with God, yet the French Flash intervened, and God was disqualified for being far too old to really compete.

And the Sandman grinned all the while.

The End
Daniel Daly
2013-05-16 07:52:32 UTC
Noahide Books - http://noahidebooks.angelfire.com

The Lucy Potter series features on the website. The above '4 O'Clock' series also is featured. The Lucy Potter books are semi-Harry Potter fanfiction. They are set in Australia.

Daniel Daly
2013-06-02 16:42:24 UTC
Noahide Books - http://noahidebooks.angelfire.com - FREE to read online, featuring the 'Chronicles of the Children of Destiny'
Post by Daniel Daly
Chronicles of the Children of Destiny
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Copyright 6176 SC
4 O’Clock
It was 4 O’Clock.  God was bored.  Too late for clubbing, and way to early to do anything useful for the day.  Nothing was open, except the 7 Eleven down the street.  But, suddenly, feeling hungry, he grabbed his wallet and wandered off.
‘Hey, big fella.  Good to see you again.’
God nodded at the 7 Eleven attendant.  He knew this one well.  Mark.  Made good slushies.
God looked at the hot pies.  There were 2 cottage pies left and a steak and kidney.  He was hungry – he ordered all 3.  Grabbing two cans of Coke, he sat out the front of the 7 Eleven, staring at the nearby street light, watching a car occasionally drive by, eating his pies.
Really, there was not much to do at 4 O’Clock on Sunday morning.
Suddenly someone walked up to the store, dressed in sneakers, shorts and a t-shirt, which all looked saturated.  It was Daniel.
God assessed the situation, walked over to him and asked, ‘Are you having an episode?’
Daniel, the schizophrenic, didn’t like saying anything was ever wrong with him.  But it was the big fella.
‘I’m broke, God.  No money.  I’m miles from home.  I was at the river, not knowing what to do.  I dived in and crossed over and wandered around the mountains.  But I came home.’
God looked at his son.  ‘Come on.  Come with me.’
Daniel followed God to his flat, were God got out his car, told Daniel to sit in the front seat, and drove him back home to his worried parents.
Later on God was enjoying his cooled off pies.  Daniel was always a worry, but Schizophrenia took a life time to heal.  But that was what God’s were for – looking after their sick children.
It was well past 4, he took a sip of his Coke, turned on MTV and mellowed out, thinking on Daniel, and finally, after a hectic 23 hours, falling asleep.
He dreamed his dreams, and the Sandman reminded him he would be awake by six, but he didn’t care.  It was slumberland of the soul, and another days passions were put to rest in the life of the Theophany of the Almighty God and Father.
 The End
4 O'Clock 2
2,120,100,207 HY
They were at the Daly's place in Alice Jackson crescent in Gilmore. God was watching MTV on Foxtel, and it was 4 O'Clock in the morning. The old man would get his hours sleep at 5. It was all he ever got. Funnily, it was all he ever needed. He was God, after all, a radiant bundle of energy.
Wormdog was playing the Megadrive with Daniel, and his girl RiRi was snoozing on the floor, 'Good girl gone bad' playing on repeat beside her on the small stereo. God was happy. But he was happy most of the time, anyway.
'God,' said Daniel. 'Let's get Doug. Go up to Macarthur horse paddock. He gets up about this time. God snorted, clearing his nose, and pulled out a tissue to deal with the snotty mess.
'Sure, Danny. We can get some pies from BP.'
God ordered 3 Cottage pies, and as they sat in front of Chisholm BP, early in the morning, God spoke up. 'I remember some of your thoughts from around here, Daniel. You always liked philosophy on you thursday morning pay days.'
Daniel drank his ice tea and smiled. The edge of life, the intensity, thoughts like that were brilliant in his memories now. They had been challenging to live, but the rewards had been eternal. And the Tuggeranong they lived in, in the Realm of Eternity, was one particularly imbued with Daniels spiritual memories.
They finished up and walked to upper Macarthur, found Doug on the front porch, playing his acoustic guitar softly, smoking, still the coolest rock and roller the band Kings X were famous for giving to the world.
At Macarthur horse paddock, they all stood there, in the dark, looking at the flashing light of the beacon in the distance, enjoying the ethereal spiritual memories of Daniel in particular, who had visited the place often at night during his earthly sojourn. It was bliss. Dark, quiet, calm, bliss. A horse trotted up, and God spoke soothing words to it.
They were happy. 4 of the most intense souls in the universe. 'Is pleiades happy tonight?' Doug asked God, his ritual question at this place. God just smiled.
They got home, and God lifted up the snoozing Rihanna and placed her in the guest bed and lied down next to her. And he slept, and he dreamed, and the Sandman kept him once more entertained with another thrilling adventure in the heart of eternity.
The End
4 O'Clock 3
5,069,347,842 HY
Wormdog looked at the young dog. It had rabies. 'God. Will it live?'
God looked at the young Kelpie. 'I'm afraid its on its last legs, Wormdog. I know you love dogs, but there is nothing we can do to help it. It is just going to die.'
Wormdog was sad. He loved to help dogs when he could. 'Is there,' he paused. He didn't want to ask. It was generally not God's way. Only on rare occasions. 'Is there, something you can do, father?'
God looked at Wormdog. 'Ok. Son, ok. On this occasion. The dog should have known better, and really should get what is coming to it, but on this occasion I suppose I can give it a break.'
So God knelt down, touched the dog on its rabied mouth, and the dog whimpered, layed down, and slept. All that night it slept. At 4 O'Clock the following morning Daniel got up in the middle of the night, got some bacon out of the fridge, some tomatoes and eggs, and started a fry up. He was hungry. He noticed, though, the dog. The Kelpie, out the back. It was lying there. And it looked better. Cured.
God was woken by Daniel, as well as Wormdog, and Daniel said 'How could it have been cured? You guys didn't do anything did you?' He looked suspiciously at God who had a 'Who Me?' look on his face. Wormdog didn't say anything. You see, Daniel had found the dog on a walk around upper Macarthur, a stray, and it was not microchipped. He didn't want to hassle those who had kicked the dog out, so took it home, and let it whimper at the back of their Alice Jackson crescent home in peace. He felt mercy on the dog.
But Wormdog had loved the dog instantly, and Daniel suspected he had asked God to cure it.
'You did it, didn't you God?' asked Daniel, looking at his heavenly father.
'I have no idea what you are talking about, son of mine,' said God.
'Sure,' said Daniel.
They petted the dog for a while, and it played around in the back yard, the back light on, before Cyril got up and asked what all the fuss was about.
'Sorry dad,' said Daniel. 'We'll get some sleep soon. You know our hours. All over the clock.'
'Well some of us have to work in the morning.' Cyril looked at the dog. 'Is that dog better?'
Daniel nodded.
Cyril looked at God. 'You don't normally do that. Against your protocols for heaven. We reap what we sow.'
God looked at Cyril squarely. 'Son of mine, without the mercies of heaven, what kind of life will be at the end of eternity when each of us is so completely sure of the pillar of morality we have all built up our eternal lives upon.'
Daniel felt guilty. 'I'm a Karaite. Give me a break God.'
And God turned to Daniel and looked angrily at him, very sternly, then softened. 'So I will forgive you in the end. But remember those promises, Daniel Daly. Remember those obligations you promised me.'
Cyril sat down on the porch and picked up the JPS Tankah. 'It is all underlined and highlighted. Daniel has been arguing with us for millions of years now. That even though we might be keeping the faith for now, we need to inscribe this on our heart. This legalistic reasoning.'
'They are our obligations, Dad. God judged us by them.'
Cyril looked at God. 'Did you?'
God said nothing, but smiled at Cyril. 'That is for you to work out, Cyril Daly. All things answered in time, child of mine. But I do promote Karaism, in the end, when asked specifically what I promote. It is the core of the faith.'
Cyril nodded. 'Yes. You say that. You say a lot of things, though, you know. But you do say that as well.'
'Then that should answer your questions.'
'A pillar of morality?' asked Wormdog. 'What is that supposed to mean?'
God smiled, looked up at ths stars, and said to them all. 'The Sandman is greeting me in half an hour. I want my MTV fix, friends. Family. And I'm hungry.'
Daniel went inside, put a microwave dinner into the microwave, and as God sat at the couch, watching his MTV, Rihanna walked in, slumped down on the couch and laid down upon his legs, and went back to sleep. Daniel gave God his meal, and they watched MTV for a while, before God dozed off, almost exactly at 5 O'Clock.
Daniel watched his heavenly father, and Cyril watched him sleep for a while, before he went off to the supermarkets for some morning grub.
God dreamed. He dreamed of a giant dog with rabies, running through a meadow, and stopping at himself, who had been turned into a tiny dwarf. 'Ruff. Thank you,' said the dog.'
'Good on you Rex,' said God, for no apparent reason.
'My name is Rufus,' said the Dog.
'Oh, sorry,' said God.
'Just kidding,' said the dog. 'Yes, it is Rex.'
'Tease,' said God.
'Woof,' said the dog.
The End
4 O'Clock 4
6,500,549,736 HY
'With you I'll always share.' God smiled, and caressed Rihanna's hair, and took the icecream from her, devoured it in a few gulps, and smiled happily, in his Hawaiian shirt, wandering around Cooma Showground at the Annual fair.
Later, the fireworks, and they were spectacular as the show ended. 'Just as good as last year,' said Rihanna. God concurred.
They didn't make it back home to 29 Merriman until 4 O'Clock. Daniel was up, as usual. He rarely slept around this time, these days. Meludiel was in, at the moment. Dating Callodyn, as she liked him somewhat as well, now. Usually obsessive over Ambriel or Daniel the Seraphim, but long ago Meludiel had joined a Haven Noahide Fellowship meeting, inquring, and had met Callodyn all those years ago. Now she liked him. And he was somewhat keen on her now as well, although he always felt he would end up with Kayella in the end.
'You didn't last in heaven,' said God, matter of factly. '4 billion years in your traditional roles, and you broke. So the children dispersed once more. What makes you think, then, that you will end up with Kayella in the end? You never last anywhere, son?'
Daniel looked guilty at God reading his thoughts. 'Do I need to, in the end. I have always promised myself that I would stay near home, in the end, and that in all my travels, I would never be far from the heart of the Realms. From Centreworld, as they call it these days. Anyway God, how big is Centreworld?'
God smiled at him. 'We're talking Googols, son. Big enough for your mind to go whoa. That is all you need to know.'
'Googols of what?' Daniel asked suspiciously, but God had already sat down in the lounge, loaded up Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Megadrive, and was twiddling away, Rihanna going off to the back bedroom.
'Well. I won't leave Centreworld. Not very much, anyway. I don't need to go off meeting new people all the time. So, in my defense, while I like to mix up my life from time to time, with new locations and new people, I always drift back into the same crowds in the end. Just meeting everyone, I guess. In Centreworld, I guess.'
God nodded, smiling, but concentrating on his character.
'I mean. Centreworld is your idea, isn't it God?'
'What are you driving at, Daniel?' asked God, turning to his son.
'Its what Ambriel tells me. You like your oldest closest of all. You developed life, the universe, and everything I guess, all with this Centreworld concept in mind. Didn't you. You knew, in the end, we wouldn't drift too far outwards. That our love for our friends, our family. For everyone. That it would keep us rooted here. That we wouldn't be drifters in the end. That we wouldn't be lonely in the end.'
'I have no idea what you are talking about,' said God, returning to his game.
'I'm sure you don't,' said Daniel.
5 O'clock drifted around, and God dreamed.
Sandman showed up with a very angry looking Daniel. He was caught in a giant plastic bubble, with Centreworld written all over it.
'He really has that big an ego,' said the Sandman. 'Centreworld is just not big enough for him.'
God sighed and shook his head. 'I'll crack you yet, Callodyn the Cherubim.' But all Callodyn would do was struggle to be free of his cage, yelling 'bloody let me out of here.'
God chuckled. And chuckled. And chuckled.
And the Sandman shook his head, and Daniel gave up, fell asleep, and the world turned.
And the world turned.
And the world, yet again, turned.
The End
4 O'Clock 5
It was 4 O'Clock. In the morning. Daniel was playing Sonic the Hedgehog 18 on the Megadrive, God sitting on the couch at 29 Merriman, watching the game, half an eye on Jesus who was praying softly, looking tired. It had been a long night.
God took out a cigarette, lit it, and slowly smoked it. It was a Port Royal rollie. He usually rolled them each morning and put them in his silver plated cigarette case. It was his current habit.
'Let's go for a walk,' Jesus said. God got to his feet, and the two of them went off to circle the block. They stopped at the bench were God rested for a while, another of his habits. He offered Jesus a ciggie, and they smoked a few of them.
'Think the raiders will get up?' Jesus asked his father. God shrugged. 'Maybe,' he said.
'I've been praying for them all week,' said Jesus.
God nodded.
'Will they win?' Jesus asked him.
'Hard to say,' responded God. 'Daniel prayed about 12 hours all up this year for the dogs. A good effort.'
'Oh,' said Jesus. 'I've done about three.'
'Its about 10 hours to kick off,' said God. 'You've got time.'
'Mmmm,' said Jesus.
'Well?' asked God.
'No questions,' said Jesus. 'I like that you play fair, heavenly father.'
'I try,' said God.
They meandered home.
They found Daniel reading the psalms out loud and praying fervently to Jehovah for victory in the match.
Jesus looked at God with a look which no human words could describe.
'Well, you know,' said God.
The Bulldogs slaughtered them.
Jesus was not impressed.
The End
4 O'Clock 6
It was 4 O'Clock. In the Morning. God was out in northern area of Weston Creek, wandering around the wilderness of it all. This Canberra had never developed much beyond the early 2000s CE Earth-Based foundation. No settling of the Molonglo district, which was still bushland and uninhabited. And Daniel was in there, somewhere. His son, Callodyn, off on a psychotic attack, doing whatever it was that Daniel did. He could cheat, but didn't do that a lot these days. He didn't find the need to do that, very much, these days. He was experienced in his own humanity, as it where. They were back in the Realm, again, now. A few hundred thousand years on earth, were he had learned from Lady Gilliamham much of the finer points of English Etiquette, and Daniel had suddenly changed tack on the spiritual Yacht they were sailing, and had returned them to the Realm of Eternity to fulfil his plans for the future, rather than on Terra itself. God didn't mind. Daniel Rothchild was always an unpredictable angelic child of his. But, for now, it wasn't Daniel who was on his thoughts, but his brother Callodyn, who was somewhere in this mess of bush, lost, probably insane as usual, off his medication for many centuries now, and an attack had finally resulted. Cyril had confirmed it to him, and Mary had said that Callodyn needed to work through that issue, ultimately, for himself. Had to find his own answers, in the end.
It was Callodyn's predilection to suffer Schizophrenia. Almost the way God had made him to. Almost.
He started off, with his new walking cain, and shortly got a call from Rihanna who said she would come out and help him if he really wanted her to. She had insisted, before, but he told her to get some rest. And he reminded her to do so, yet again, and let the phone hang up.
He walked on, in the darkness, the moon giving scant light, and he came to the Molonglo, and decided to turn west and follow it down to the Murumbidgee. And there he found him, on the water's edge, in just his shorts and fongs, shivvering a little in the cooler weather, his feet in the water, looking depressed.
'Is this what you need? To feel alive? To get that rush?' God asked him.
Daniel looked up at him. 'Do I? Maybe. Maybe you are right. You say that, some times. I always fantasize about life on the edge.'
'You should answer the question to me. I don't like to poke about in your thoughts any more,' said God.
'I'm not crazy,' said Daniel. 'I'm psychotic, at the moment, but I am grounded enough. I know what is going on. I have enough reality now. Enough truth. But the thoughts are racing, yes.'
He sat there, and finally got up, and went to a branch of a overhanging tree and grabbed his green T-Shirt, which was all wet, and put it on slowly. God let him.
'Its raw. And untamed. And covenanted to stay as such forever. This Canberra I like the most of all,' said Callodyn. '2005 to 2007. By law. I feel - home, here.'
'Your meant to,' said God. 'Come on. You are probably hungry.'
When they got back to the road after a long trudge, and started south in God's 4WD, Daniel shivvered still, and God kept his eye on him. They stopped off at Doug's, and Daniel smoked a ciggie, and Doug sang him an old King's X song on his guitar.
Then they got home, and Rihanna gave him some warm milk with honey.
'Katy is here,' said Rihanna. 'She was worried. The flight arrived an hour ago. They cleared it as an emergency for her.'
'Oh,' said Daniel.
'She is in your room,' said Rihanna.
Daniel found his room, and Katy was in bed, snoozing, but awoke instantly.
'Your an idiot,' she said.
'I know,' he said.
She touched him, and brought him into bed with her, and they slept.
And God, finding peace again at 29 Merriman, slipped down to the back cottage flat, found his bed also with Rihanna, and as 6:30 gradually started lighting up the world, the Sandman had a duelling adventure with God, yet the French Flash intervened, and God was disqualified for being far too old to really compete.
And the Sandman grinned all the while.
The End