Alabama high school football announcer says those not standing for anthem should be shot
(too old to reply)
2017-03-26 10:00:42 UTC
An Alabama high school is the center of outrage and support
after its football announcer reportedly said before a game that
those not standing for the national anthem should be shot by the

The announcement was allegedly made before McKenzie High
School's Friday night football game by Pastor Allen Joyner of
Sweet Home Baptist Church, who was identified on Facebook by
friends and family sharing his message. A post quoting Joyner
shared on Facebook by Denise Crowley-Whitfield, a local in
attendance, had almost 5,000 shares before Crowley-Whitfield
deleted her account.

"If you don't want to stand for the national anthem, you can
line up over there by the fence and let our military personnel
take a few shots at you since they're taking shots for you,"
Crowley-Whitfield quoted Joyner as saying. She says his
announcement was greeted by "crazy cheering."

Sweet Home Baptist Church said on Facebook that although
Joyner's comments were "taken out of context and misquoted,"
they stood by the pastor and were "proud of him." That account
has also since been deleted.

Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2017-03-26 12:59:37 UTC
Post by USA! USA! USA!
An Alabama high school is the center of outrage and support
after its football announcer reportedly said before a game that
those not standing for the national anthem should be shot by the
I think these nonstanders are more likely to get shot by local police.
The same ones shooting our ghetto niggers.
Just sayin'.
