Democrat Apple sleeping with charging iPhone suffers severe burns
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Those low-IQ Democrats
2017-04-03 03:31:54 UTC
Apple = hanging from tree.

"I just thought that's how you die."

These were the words of 32-year-old Wiley Day to WAAY-TV after
he had a bad experience with his iPhone.

He said he fell asleep with it charging via an extension cord
next to him in bed.

When he woke up on Thursday morning, he discovered that his dog-
tag necklace had become entangled in a space that had emerged
between the extension cord and the charger.

He says he was jolted to the floor by the forces of electricity,
but he was able to break the chain off his neck in time. "I kept
yelling 'Jesus,'" he told WAAY.

He described the feeling to the Washington Post as: "the
eeriest, darkest, most demonic thing you could ever experience."

Neither Day nor Apple immediately responded to a request for
comment. However, Day said he suffered second- and third-degree
burns to his neck and hands. Doctors told WAAY that he was lucky
to be alive.

On his Facebook page, Day said his current pain level is "only
about a 2, but I don't know what's to come." He added that he
was "most happy to be an example for those who were unaware of
the dangers of charging electronics while sleeping."

What happened to Day is just one example of the dangers of
sleeping with a charging phone next to you. Phones have even
occasionally been known to explode during the night.

Day told the Post that after his experience became public, he
heard from many concerned people.

"I found out most people were using extension cords because they
were still on their devices in bed," he said. "I mean, it's sad
but true."

2017-04-03 03:45:24 UTC
Post by Those low-IQ Democrats
What happened to Day is just one example of the dangers of
sleeping with a charging phone next to you. Phones have even
occasionally been known to explode during the night.
This has nothing to do with a phone. It has to do with an extension
cord, idiot.
I agree with almost everything that you have said and almost everything that
you will say in your entire life.

usenet *at* davidillig dawt cawm
2017-04-03 03:56:03 UTC
Post by Davoud
Post by Those low-IQ Democrats
What happened to Day is just one example of the dangers of
sleeping with a charging phone next to you. Phones have even
occasionally been known to explode during the night.
This has nothing to do with a phone. It has to do with an extension
cord, idiot.
...and his dogtag chain.
Also he says "demonic" not "Democrat".
In fact his political affiliations were never mentioned. So this post
is more of a political TROLL rather than a report of a stupid and
avoidable accident.

2017-04-03 19:33:24 UTC
Post by Davoud
Post by Those low-IQ Democrats
What happened to Day is just one example of the dangers of
sleeping with a charging phone next to you. Phones have even
occasionally been known to explode during the night.
This has nothing to do with a phone. It has to do with an extension
cord, idiot.
And an idiot.

Well, two idiots.
And what group was that, Gail?
The Menstrual Cycles.