Gay Obama Alabama fan gets 2 years in prison for obscenity during BCS celebration
(too old to reply)
One Big Assed Mistake America
2012-12-02 02:49:19 UTC
NEW ORLEANS – An Alabama man on Thursday began serving a two-
year prison sentence for an obscene act against an unconscious
LSU fan in a Bourbon Street restaurant after the BCS national
title game in January, a videotaped incident that went viral on
the Internet.

Orleans Parish Criminal District Judge Karen Herman chastised
Brian H. Downing, of Smiths Station, Ala., before she formally
sentenced him to the terms of a plea deal with New Orleans

Herman called him a bully who has permanently damaged someone's

"You have put aside someone's dignity," she said. "(He) didn't
have the option to say, `No,' and tell you to stop."

Downing declined to say anything before he was sentenced and
taken into custody at the conclusion of the hearing.

He pleaded guilty in October to two counts of obscenity.
Prosecutors agreed to drop a charge of sexual battery, which is
punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Downing may be eligible to serve less than half of his two-year
sentence. One of his attorneys has estimated Downing would serve
a minimum of nine months.

The judge told Downing he "chose wisely" by cutting a plea deal,
which also allows him to avoid having to register as a sex
offender. The judge recommended that he be allowed to
participate in a boot camp program run by prison officials.

The LSU fan, who has sued Downing, didn't attend the sentencing
hearing. However, a spokesman for District Attorney Leon
Cannizzaro has said prosecutors consulted with him before
agreeing on the plea deal.

The incident took place last January after Alabama defeated LSU
at the Superdome to claim the BCS title. A video that went viral
on the Internet showed Downing expose his genitals and perform a
simulated sex act on the unconscious man at the restaurant in
front of a crowd of other Alabama fans.

Gary Wright
2012-12-02 03:23:46 UTC
On Dec 1, 9:49 pm, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
NEW ORLEANS  An Alabama man on Thursday began serving a two-
year prison sentence for an obscene act against an unconscious
LSU fan in a Bourbon Street restaurant after the BCS national
title game in January, a videotaped incident that went viral on
the Internet.
Alabama! Yes, that place where everybody loves Obama!

Looks to me like Blue State Louisiana needs to keep the Red State
Alabama perverts out.
Gays Are Abnormal
2012-12-05 20:51:36 UTC
Post by Gary Wright
On Dec 1, 9:49 pm, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
NEW ORLEANS  An Alabama man on Thursday began serving a two-
year prison sentence for an obscene act against an unconscious
LSU fan in a Bourbon Street restaurant after the BCS national
title game in January, a videotaped incident that went viral on
the Internet.
Alabama!   Yes, that place where everybody loves Obama!
Looks to me like Blue State Louisiana needs to keep the Red State
Alabama perverts out.
Plenty of Alabama residents voted for Obama - eight hundred thousand
vs. 1.2 million, a 3:2 ratio.


Brian Downing has gone on record as one of the Obama voters. Before
he performed his abnormal act, he spoke directly into the camera and
clearly stated "I do this to give thanks to the President, whose
recent laws protecting homosexuals mean that it is now a legal
impossibility for gay men to commit rape."


After making this statement to his gay boyfriend, who was holding the
camera, he sodomized his unconscious victim, accompanied by the cheers
of a crowd of gay students who surrounded the two. He then told his
partner to email the video to the police, since Obama's new laws made
him "untouchable." He added "This is my privilege, because I voted
for Obama."

2012-12-05 21:05:11 UTC
Post by Gays Are Abnormal
Post by Gary Wright
On Dec 1, 9:49 pm, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
NEW ORLEANS  An Alabama man on Thursday began serving a two-
year prison sentence for an obscene act against an unconscious
LSU fan in a Bourbon Street restaurant after the BCS national
title game in January, a videotaped incident that went viral on
the Internet.
Alabama!   Yes, that place where everybody loves Obama!
Looks to me like Blue State Louisiana needs to keep the Red State
Alabama perverts out.
Plenty of Alabama residents voted for Obama - eight hundred thousand
vs. 1.2 million, a 3:2 ratio.
Brian Downing has gone on record as one of the Obama voters.  Before
he performed his abnormal act, he spoke directly into the camera and
clearly stated "I do this to give thanks to the President, whose
recent laws protecting homosexuals mean that it is now a legal
impossibility for gay men to commit rape."
After making this statement to his gay boyfriend, who was holding the
camera, he sodomized his unconscious victim, accompanied by the cheers
of a crowd of gay students who surrounded the two.  He then told his
partner to email the video to the police, since Obama's new laws made
him "untouchable."  He added "This is my privilege, because I voted
for Obama."
Three words: Larry Craig.

begong, troll.
2012-12-06 01:10:56 UTC
On Dec 1, 9:49 pm, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
Gays Are Abnormal
2012-12-10 20:30:47 UTC
On Dec 1, 9:49 pm, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
NEW ORLEANS An Alabama man on Thursday began serving a two-
year prison sentence for an obscene act against an unconscious
LSU fan in a Bourbon Street restaurant after the BCS national
title game in January, a videotaped incident that went viral on
the Internet.
Alabama! Yes, that place where everybody loves Obama!
Looks to me like Blue State Louisiana needs to keep the Red State
Alabama perverts out.
Plenty of Alabama residents voted for Obama - eight hundred thousand
vs. 1.2 million, a 3:2 ratio.


Brian Downing has gone on record as one of the Obama voters. Before
he performed his abnormal act, he spoke directly into the camera and
clearly stated "I do this to give thanks to the President, whose
recent laws protecting homosexuals mean that it is now a legal
impossibility for gay men to commit rape."


After making this statement to his gay boyfriend, who was holding the
camera, he sodomized his unconscious victim, accompanied by the cheers
of a crowd of gay students who surrounded the two. He then told his
partner to email the video to the police, since Obama's new laws made
him "untouchable." He added "This is my privilege, because I voted
for Obama."


Restored to accurate thread.
Bill Steele
2012-12-11 19:07:57 UTC
In article
Post by Gays Are Abnormal
On Dec 1, 9:49 pm, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
NEW ORLEANS An Alabama man on Thursday began serving a two-
year prison sentence for an obscene act against an unconscious
LSU fan in a Bourbon Street restaurant after the BCS national
title game in January, a videotaped incident that went viral on
the Internet.
Alabama! Yes, that place where everybody loves Obama!
Looks to me like Blue State Louisiana needs to keep the Red State
Alabama perverts out.
Plenty of Alabama residents voted for Obama - eight hundred thousand
vs. 1.2 million, a 3:2 ratio.
Brian Downing has gone on record as one of the Obama voters. Before
he performed his abnormal act, he spoke directly into the camera and
clearly stated "I do this to give thanks to the President, whose
recent laws protecting homosexuals mean that it is now a legal
impossibility for gay men to commit rape."
After making this statement to his gay boyfriend, who was holding the
camera, he sodomized his unconscious victim, accompanied by the cheers
of a crowd of gay students who surrounded the two. He then told his
partner to email the video to the police, since Obama's new laws made
him "untouchable." He added "This is my privilege, because I voted
for Obama."
He found out different in court. Darwin award.
2012-12-11 20:27:47 UTC
On 11/12/2012 11:07 AM, Bill Steele wrote:
2012-12-06 01:12:41 UTC
On Dec 1, 9:49 pm, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
Gays Are Abnormal
2012-12-10 20:31:59 UTC
NEW ORLEANS An Alabama man on Thursday began serving a two-
year prison sentence for an obscene act against an unconscious
LSU fan in a Bourbon Street restaurant after the BCS national
title game in January, a videotaped incident that went viral on
the Internet.

Orleans Parish Criminal District Judge Karen Herman chastised
Brian H. Downing, of Smiths Station, Ala., before she formally
sentenced him to the terms of a plea deal with New Orleans

Herman called him a bully who has permanently damaged someone's

"You have put aside someone's dignity," she said. "(He) didn't
have the option to say, `No,' and tell you to stop."

Downing declined to say anything before he was sentenced and
taken into custody at the conclusion of the hearing.

He pleaded guilty in October to two counts of obscenity.
Prosecutors agreed to drop a charge of sexual battery, which is
punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Downing may be eligible to serve less than half of his two-year
sentence. One of his attorneys has estimated Downing would serve
a minimum of nine months.

The judge told Downing he "chose wisely" by cutting a plea deal,
which also allows him to avoid having to register as a sex
offender. The judge recommended that he be allowed to
participate in a boot camp program run by prison officials.

The LSU fan, who has sued Downing, didn't attend the sentencing
hearing. However, a spokesman for District Attorney Leon
Cannizzaro has said prosecutors consulted with him before
agreeing on the plea deal.

The incident took place last January after Alabama defeated LSU
at the Superdome to claim the BCS title. A video that went viral
on the Internet showed Downing expose his genitals and perform a
simulated sex act on the unconscious man at the restaurant in
front of a crowd of other Alabama fans.


Restored to accurate thread.
J. Hugh Sullivan
2012-12-02 04:37:26 UTC
On Sun, 02 Dec 2012 03:49:19 +0100, "One Big Assed Mistake America"
Post by One Big Assed Mistake America
"You have put aside someone's dignity," she said. "(He) didn't
have the option to say, `No,' and tell you to stop."
A passed out drunk in a fast food joint has dignity? I didn't know
