Philandering Republican Asshole Robert Bentley, Alabama Governor, Resigns Amid Scandal
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Lying Like Hillary Clinton Will Cost Your Job
2017-04-13 04:43:20 UTC
The sole saving grace is that he was not a faggot like those
cocksuckers Obama and Ed Murray.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Gov. Robert Bentley resigned Monday, his
power and popularity diminished by a sex scandal that staggered
the state, brought him to the brink of impeachment and prompted
a series of criminal investigations.

Ellen Brooks, a special prosecutor, said Mr. Bentley quit in
connection with a plea agreement on two misdemeanor charges:
failing to file a major contribution report and knowingly
converting campaign contributions to personal use. He pleaded
guilty Monday afternoon.

It was a stunning downfall for the governor, a Republican who
acknowledged in March 2016 that he had made sexually charged
remarks to his senior political adviser, Rebekah Caldwell Mason.

“I have decided it is time for me to step down as Alabama’s
governor,” Mr. Bentley said at the State Capitol. He did not
mention the charges to which he pleaded guilty, or the deal with
prosecutors that mandated his resignation.

His exit from government and guilty pleas followed mounting
calls for his resignation, especially after a report that was
made public on Friday said he had fostered “an atmosphere of
intimidation” and compelled state employees to help him cover up
his relationship with Ms. Mason. Impeachment hearings — the
first in Alabama in more than a century — began Monday morning,
when the State House was consumed by rumors that the governor
would soon quit.

Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey succeeded Mr. Bentley. A former state
treasurer, she is the second woman to hold the office. She is a
graduate of Auburn University and was a high school teacher and
a bank officer before working for the Legislature.

“The Ivey administration will be open, it will be transparent
and it will be honest,” Ms. Ivey said.

Mr. Bentley, 74, repeatedly denied having a physical
relationship with Ms. Mason and long insisted that he had not
broken any laws, but he was a subject of multiple
investigations, including reviews by the F.B.I. and the Alabama
attorney general’s office.

On Wednesday, the Alabama Ethics Commission said it had probable
cause to find that Mr. Bentley had committed felonies, and it
asked a district attorney to consider prosecuting him. Two days
later, a lawyer hired by the Alabama House of Representatives
released a report portraying Mr. Bentley as deceitful and
desperate before his relationship with Ms. Mason made him a
punch line.

The 131-page report said Mr. Bentley had offered little
cooperation to legislative investigators, and it alleged that
the governor’s critics had been subjected to coercion, including
harassing messages and the threat of prosecution. The report
described how Mr. Bentley tried to use a member of his security
detail to break up with Ms. Mason on his behalf and how he
demanded that Ms. Mason be allowed to travel in official
vehicles after she left the state’s payroll.

2017-04-13 13:32:38 UTC
On Thu, 13 Apr 2017 06:43:20 +0200 (CEST), "The Trumpet Will Cost Your
Post by Lying Like Hillary Clinton Will Cost Your Job
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Gov. Robert Bentley resigned Monday, his
power and popularity diminished by a sex scandal that staggered
the state, brought him to the brink of impeachment and prompted
a series of criminal investigations.
"Republican criminals" NOT NEWS.
Please post something we don't already know.

He will be replaced by another Republican:

"The Ivey administration will be open, it will be transparent
and it will be honest," Ms. Ivey said.
Great references.... I can almost feel the trust seep in.
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