Vote "Yes" for the local music scene!
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2012-09-10 20:17:36 UTC

Currently the votes are 500 in favor of the Columbus-Phenix City music scene
to 1000 against, but in an area of over 100,000 people, that means the
results are far from in. Really, the fact that we have 500 people who say
"Yes, its varied and alive" is pretty good for me... not huge, but enough to
pack any given venue on any given night, and the numbers are growing daily.

Come on over and vote!
Hell Stomper
2012-09-10 21:36:32 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Currently the votes are 500 in favor of the Columbus-Phenix City music scene
to 1000 against, but in an area of over 100,000 people, that means the
results are far from in. Really, the fact that we have 500 people who say
"Yes, its varied and alive" is pretty good for me... not huge, but enough to
pack any given venue on any given night, and the numbers are growing daily.
Come on over and vote!
I voted yes but to be honest, I don't get out of Macon much. I
remember an awesome place to get chicken in Columbus. It was called
something like, The Black Cat Club or The Top Hat Club, or something
like that. You ordered a chicken breast sandwich, and that's exactly
what you got, an incredible, whole, spicy fried chicken breast between
two pieces of loaf bread. Best thing was, white folks were welcome
Peter J Ross
2012-09-11 22:17:55 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:36:32 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Hell Stomper
I don't get out of Macon much.
Who'd have guessed?
PJR :-) | οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
| φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
| τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
| ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
Hell Stomper
2012-09-11 23:52:03 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:36:32 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Hell Stomper
I don't get out of Macon much.
Who'd have guessed?
PJR :-)  |  οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
         |  φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
         |  τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
         |  ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
If you think I'm a dork, why are you spending so much time
Peter J Ross
2012-09-12 00:02:52 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:52:03 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:36:32 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Hell Stomper
I don't get out of Macon much.
Who'd have guessed?
PJR :-)  |  οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
         |  φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
         |  τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
         |  ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
Learn how to snip signatures, newbie.
If you think I'm a dork, why are you spending so much time trying to
impress me?
Translation: "Yay! One of the grown-ups has replied to me at last!"
PJR :-) | οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
| φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
| τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
| ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
Hell Stomper
2012-09-12 00:12:59 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:52:03 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:36:32 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Hell Stomper
I don't get out of Macon much.
Who'd have guessed?
PJR :-)  |  οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
         |  φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
         |  τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
         |  ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
Learn how to snip signatures, newbie.
If you think I'm a dork, why are you spending so much time trying to
impress me?
Translation: "Yay! One of the grown-ups has replied to me at last!"
PJR :-)  |  οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
         |  φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
         |  τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
         |  ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
You have no idea about me and I really don't give a flyi
Peter J Ross
2012-09-12 00:18:18 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 17:12:59 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:52:03 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:36:32 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Hell Stomper
I don't get out of Macon much.
Who'd have guessed?
PJR :-)  |  οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
         |  φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
         |  τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
         |  ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
Learn how to snip signatures, newbie.
If you think I'm a dork, why are you spending so much time trying to
impress me?
Translation: "Yay! One of the grown-ups has replied to me at last!"
PJR :-)  |  οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
         |  φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
         |  τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
         |  ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
You have no idea about me and I really don't give a flying fuck what
you are or what you think. Bye bye now.
Tee hee.

Aren't clueless newbies fun?
PJR :-) | οἵη περ φύλλων γενεὴ, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν.
| φύλλα τὰ μέν τ' ἄνεμος χαμάδις χέει, ἄλλα δέ θ' ὕλη
| τηλεθόωσα φύει, ἔαρος δ' ἐπιγίγνεται ὥρη·
| ὣς ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει. (Homer)
George Dance
2012-09-12 00:21:08 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
Learn how to snip
Always good advice where your posts are concerned, ~PJtroll~.
Post by Peter J Ross
If you think I'm a dork, why are you spending so much time trying to
impress me?
Translation: "Yay! One of the grown-ups has replied to me at last!"
??? Why in the world do you think anyone would mistake you for a
Will Dockery
2012-09-28 13:51:38 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Currently the votes are 500 in favor of the Columbus-Phenix City
music scene
to 1000 against, but in an area of over 100,000 people, that means the
results are far from in. Really, the fact that we have 500 people who say
"Yes, its varied and alive" is pretty good for me... not huge, but
enough to
pack any given venue on any given night, and the numbers are growing daily.
Come on over and vote!
I voted yes but to be honest, I don't get out of Macon much. I
remember an awesome place to get chicken in Columbus. It was called
something like, The Black Cat Club or The Top Hat Club, or something
like that. You ordered a chicken breast sandwich, and that's exactly
what you got, an incredible, whole, spicy fried chicken breast between
two pieces of loaf bread. Best thing was, white folks were welcome
Oh yeah, Top Hat Chicken!
Really used to love that place, a breast sandwich... bones and all!
It ought to be featured in some GPB show or something along Nuway
Wieners and Fincher's BBQ in Macon.
On another note, People are always talking about how we are so racist
down here. They never stop to think about what they are saying. You
know the area. At least 60% Black. Now what kind of lame ass racist
would live here?
Well, Phenix City just elected their first black Mayor, Eddie Lowe, last
month, so I reckon things are getting better in that area, for sure.
In A Dream I Saved You / Will Dockery & T.O.T.M

It's called "white fight". The white folks move out to escape the
urban crime. There's nothing racist in it, they just prefer to remain
among the living. The urban areas become predominantly black, and
blacks get elected by the majority black population. It's the same
here. People can make what they want of it, but it is what it is.

//Well a common myth is that racism exists only in the South, which is not
true, of course.

"Over You" / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
2012-09-28 14:02:14 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Currently the votes are 500 in favor of the Columbus-Phenix City
music scene
to 1000 against, but in an area of over 100,000 people, that means the
results are far from in. Really, the fact that we have 500 people
who say
"Yes, its varied and alive" is pretty good for me... not huge, but
enough to
pack any given venue on any given night, and the numbers are
growing daily.
Come on over and vote!
I voted yes but to be honest, I don't get out of Macon much. I
remember an awesome place to get chicken in Columbus. It was called
something like, The Black Cat Club or The Top Hat Club, or something
like that. You ordered a chicken breast sandwich, and that's exactly
what you got, an incredible, whole, spicy fried chicken breast between
two pieces of loaf bread. Best thing was, white folks were welcome
Oh yeah, Top Hat Chicken!
Really used to love that place, a breast sandwich... bones and all!
It ought to be featured in some GPB show or something along Nuway
Wieners and Fincher's BBQ in Macon.
On another note, People are always talking about how we are so racist
down here. They never stop to think about what they are saying. You
know the area. At least 60% Black. Now what kind of lame ass racist
would live here?
Well, Phenix City just elected their first black Mayor, Eddie Lowe, last
month, so I reckon things are getting better in that area, for sure.
In A Dream I Saved You / Will Dockery & T.O.T.M
It's called "white fight".  The white folks move out to escape the
urban crime.  There's nothing racist in it, they just prefer to remain
among the living.  The urban areas become predominantly black, and
blacks get elected by the majority black population.  It's the same
here.  People can make what they want of it, but it is what it is.
//Well a common myth is that racism exists only in the South, which is not
true, of course.
"Over You" / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_13207558
A commoner myth is that racism exists only in the commoners. Take
Koch, for example. Brother, "It's the real thing". LOL.
Will Dockery
2012-10-11 14:39:53 UTC
Sorry, I still don't take your point. I was making a joke about the Koch
That could be the problem... I'm not so well-versed on those guys.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars return to Old SoHo:
Will Dockery
2012-11-18 23:04:34 UTC
Sorry, I still don't take your point. I was making a joke about the Koch
Sorry, I don't follow politics so much.

Twilight Girl / Will Dockery & Henry Conley

Will Dockery
2012-12-11 04:42:30 UTC

[QUOTE who="Big Time"]<quoted text>
So far, the voters are almost exactly split 50/50, as almost 1000 Yes voters
stand against the 2000 negative voters, and as i've written before, I'm
pleased to have 1000 music lovers on our side, the side of the
Columbus-Phenix City music scene. That's a significant number already, and
of course the votes are not nearly in.

I agree, Big Time... almost 1000 voters is a significant number supporting
the validity of the "Columbus Georgia Sound", as the Brit band The Heavy
labled it.

No, there is no majority mandate here yet, Commando, because out of a
population of over 100,000 in this area, hardly a fraction of the votes are
even in yet. This bogus poll, therefore, is likely to continue counting
votes well past the National elections, two weeks from now.

Almost half the voters so far voted "No", while almost 1000 more voters are
in support of the Columbus-Phenix City music scene.

Well, that means that the good news here this morning is that 900 voters
don't agree that the music scene is dead at all, and the evidence of 600
videos featuring the talents of the local Columbus and Phenix City singers,
songwriters and musicians /prove/ that it is a fact that the music scene is
alive and thriving and that your opinion that it is "dead" is nothing more
than a false assumption.

The facts prove it, wake up and celebrate the talents we have here, rather
than carrying your bitter negativity on your shoulders... fair enough?

And, nobody reading this has to take my word for this the proof that what I
state is a fact can be seen by browsing the over 600 videos available on the
site, the scene is also thriving with talent of every variety:


These videos can be viewed by Phenix City residents on East Alabama Cable-TV
channel 7.

And thanks for having a listen, voting and commenting, Big Time.

Music & poetry from Will Dockery & Friends:
Will Dockery
2012-12-16 19:21:09 UTC
From: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/columbus-ga/TLT94TLGLEVTDMH73/p42

[QUOTE who="Music Lover"]<quoted text>
voters who represent the intelligent, music loving people who appreciate
creativity and live music

Then obviously anyone who feels that way would be a "Yes" voter, since they
would have the intelligence to understand that the only way to build and
grow a creative group of artists, such as those working in the
Columbus-Phenix City music scene, is to encourage the creative growth and

That's why the 1000 "Yes" votes cast so far are so much appreciated, because
a vote of confidence from people like those intelligent, music loving
people, and almost 1000 of them so far at that, is encouraging to say the
least, and really just cancels out the negative no creative complainers such
as yourself.

So there's 2000 of you so obsessed and possibly jealous of the talented ones
that you'd not only vote "No", but continue to post these anonymous attacks
on me and my musical and poetic comrades? That's nothing new, and that's
almost certainly one of the reasons this area has taken so long to begin to
build a cohesive and coperative music community, of original live music and
unique and talented songwriters, singers, poets and musicians.

So go on and vote "No"... all your votes will not stop, or, as you dream,
crusgh this shared vision, as the many and varied talents continue to bring
the gift of sound and vision to the public and audiences of the
Chattahoochee Valley area.

I, of course, had my start in the poetry and lyric writing aspect of the
Columbus-Phenix City scene, and so lean towards the singer-songwriter typse,
and bands who create their own songs and music, rather than the cover bands,
but in my opinion all are comrades wortking for the same goals.

Excellent Usenet poetry archive, circa 2009:

So, in closing, my anonymous so-called "music lover" (who constantly spews
otherwise), you're of course entitled to your opinion, right or wrong, of
course, but secondly this discussion isn't about me since "Will Dockery" is
only one small part of the Columbus-Phenix City music scene at best, and
just a part of the overall ensemble strength of the sound here. I do,
however, enjoy and support the talented singers, songwriters, poets and
musicians that create their unique and wonderous sound and vision.

No, the Columbus-Phenix City music scene is not about one person or group,
but many talented singer-songwriters of multiple genres, as this site with
over 600 videos of the local Columbus-Phenix City talent proves.

And for those unfamilar with the music scene in Columbus-Phenix City then
and now, the scene is also thriving with talent of every variety:


These videos can be viewed by Phenix City residents on East Alabama Cable-TV
channel 7 throughout the days and nights.
Follow the link above for a comprehensive overview of the local
Columbus-Phenix City music scene with videos from local talent both young
and old.

Glad to set the record straight and clear up your obvious confusion once
again, although it seesms to never gain clarity, one can only hope you'll
wise up eventually, my so-called "music loving" friend, or whatever fake
name you choose to hide behind next.

Gone Too Far / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:

Will Dockery
2012-12-09 05:03:49 UTC
Here's the link again for any other reader out there who want to find out
for themselves about the local talents in the Columbus-Phenix City area:


These videos can be viewed by Phenix City residents on East Alabama Cable-TV
channel 7 throughout the days and nights.
Follow the link above for a comprehensive overview of the local
Columbus-Phenix City music scene with videos from local talent both young
and old.