A Friend of Mine - Marc Kenney
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2014-01-05 01:26:18 UTC
Marc Kenney's show at the Phenix City Moose Club has been cancelled


Just found out... sounds serious:

"Marc will be transported by ambulance to either Montgomery or Birmingham.
Waiting to hear back from both facilities..."

Hope all is well, Mark is a good guy.
Will Dockery
2014-01-05 01:26:18 UTC
Marc Kenney's show at the Phenix City Moose Club has been cancelled


Just found out... sounds serious:

"Marc will be transported by ambulance to either Montgomery or Birmingham.
Waiting to hear back from both facilities..."

Hope all is well, Mark is a good guy.
Peter J Ross
2014-01-06 07:13:49 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Sat, 4 Jan 2014 20:26:18 -0500, Will
Dockery wrote:


You have no friends, Dreckster.

The fact that you once delivered a pizza to somebody (before you lost
your pizzaboy job for drunkenness) doesn't mean that he's your friend.
Post by Will Dockery
Mark is a good guy.
You, OTOH, are an evil, exploitative, narcisistic sociopath.
PJR :-)

ἔστι τις σιῶν τίσις - Alcman
Will Dockery
2014-01-06 10:23:41 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
"We know"
Peter J Ross
2014-01-06 10:26:49 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 05:23:41 -0500, Will
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
"We know"
Since you can't even compose a simple "snipku" competently, what are
your chances of ever writing a poem or a song that isn't
unintentionally hilarious?
PJR :-)

ἔστι τις σιῶν τίσις - Alcman
Will Dockery
2014-01-06 11:22:42 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
writing a poem or a song
Here's one of mine written with two friends of mine, check out "Gone Too Far
/ Dockery-Mallard-Snipe" -
Will Dockery
2014-01-06 07:44:57 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
You have no friends
<fantasies snipped>

What makes you think you know me well enough to judge that, obsesso?

Check out "Twilight Girl (W. Dockery & H. Conley)" -
Peter J Ross
2014-01-06 08:25:31 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 02:44:57 -0500, Will
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Peter J Ross
You have no friends
<fantasies snipped>
What makes you think you know me well enough to judge that, obsesso?
If you have friends, why do you devote so much of your time to
spamming on Usenet and the Internet, friendless sociopath?

How Dreckery spends his waking life:

5% : bawling and staggering on Open Mike Night
5% : converting welfare cheques into screwtop wine
90% : drinking screwtop wine while spamming on Usenet and the Internet
Post by Will Dockery
Check out
No thanks. If I want to watch a mindless animal grunting and
staggering around I'll visit a farmyard where BSE is prevalent.
PJR :-)

ἔστι τις σιῶν τίσις - Alcman
Will Dockery
2014-01-06 08:32:32 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
If you have friends
Do you have friends?
Check out "Twilight Girl (W. Dockery & H. Conley)" -
Peter J Ross
2014-01-06 08:51:32 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 03:32:32 -0500, Will
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Peter J Ross
If you have friends
Do you have friends?

However, I have more books than friends - unlike you, who have exactly
the same number of both.
PJR :-)

ἔστι τις σιῶν τίσις - Alcman
Will Dockery
2014-01-07 10:30:57 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
unlike you

You like to pretend you know me, don't you?

Do you dream of me at night?
Check out "Idle Hour Night / Dockery-Mallard-Snipe" -
Peter J Ross
2014-01-07 13:37:34 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Tue, 7 Jan 2014 05:30:57 -0500, Will
Post by Peter J Ross
Post by Peter J Ross
unlike you
You like to pretend you know me, don't you?
Why would I, or anybody else who doesn't want an infestation of fleas
and lice, want to know you?
Post by Peter J Ross
Do you dream of me at night?

"I had a dream once where PJR came to Shadowville, or I went to
Northumberland and met him, I forget which but there's a conversation
with me & Stuart Leichter about it somewhere in the archives, four or
five years back."
- Dreckery admits that he dreams about me, in Message-ID:
PJR :-)

ἔστι τις σιῶν τίσις - Alcman
Will Dockery
2014-01-06 09:07:08 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
I have more books than friends - unlike you, who have exactly
the same number of both.
Again, how would you know me well enough to know if these obsessed fantasies
about me are true?
Check out "Red Lipped Stranger / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars" -
Peter J Ross
2014-01-06 10:07:35 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Mon, 6 Jan 2014 04:07:08 -0500, Will
Post by Will Dockery
Will Dockery
PJR :-)

ἔστι τις σιῶν τίσις - Alcman
Will Dockery
2014-01-07 18:46:33 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
"I had a dream once where PJR came to Shadowville, or I went to
Northumberland and met him, I forget which but there's a conversation
with me & Stuart Leichter about it somewhere in the archives, four or
five years back."
That really happened, the original post describes the dream better... you
seemsed to be a character somewhere between Alan Moore and Sean Connery!
Check out "Shadowville Speedway / Will Dockery & Henry Conley" -
Peter J Ross
2014-01-07 19:07:41 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Tue, 7 Jan 2014 13:46:33 -0500, Will
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Peter J Ross
"I had a dream once where PJR came to Shadowville, or I went to
Northumberland and met him, I forget which but there's a conversation
with me & Stuart Leichter about it somewhere in the archives, four or
five years back."
That really happened, the original post describes the dream better... you
seemsed to be a character somewhere between Alan Moore and Sean Connery!
You need to find new chat-up lines, Dreckster. I won't date you.
PJR :-)

ἔστι τις σιῶν τίσις - Alcman
Will Dockery
2014-01-07 23:51:23 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
You need to find new chat-up lines
I won't date you.
That's the best news I've read all day!--
Check out "Idle Hour Night / Dockery-Mallard-Snipe" -
