Shadowville All-Stars World AIDS Day Concert
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2012-11-07 16:59:35 UTC
"I am, have been, and will be only one thing- an American." -Orson Welles

Shadowville All-Stars World AIDS Day Concert / December 1st:
Will Dockery
2012-11-11 21:43:03 UTC
Latest Breaking News:

The day's still going strong down this way...

Today I connected Jeremy Hobbs and Julian Hernandez and made the new venue
for the concert at Fountain City Coffee, one block west of the other
festivities, where I and the Shadowville All-Stars will rock until midnight
and beyond, looking for donations in the tip jar which we'll hand over to
Jeremy... other parts of the day have been spent working on the posters for
this new part of the event...

Some results of that can be found on the official site:


Then from 8pm tonight until Midnight Shadowville All-Stars have our usual
Sunday night regersal.recording session...

So yeah, the day has a ways to go down in this neck of the woods.

"Over You" / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Post by Will Dockery
"I am, have been, and will be only one thing- an American." -Orson Welles
Will Dockery
2012-12-05 08:20:43 UTC
I'm honored by the endorsement given me by Jeremy Hobbs:

"It was such a success because of you Will Dockery. You do such a wonderful
job every year and the people of our great city are very lucky to have man
of your caliber at work within it. I hope people know everywhere that Will
and all his friends are Helping Pave A Better Way Forward For
All..." -Jeremy Scott Hobbs

"I am, have been, and will be only one thing- an American." -Orson Welles
Post by Will Dockery
Under The Radar / Will Dockery: