Muscogee County a Democratic stronghold
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2012-10-31 05:55:11 UTC
Funny thing, though, is that in the "Red State of Georgia" our Muscogee
County, which is where the Columbus of this Columbus Forum is located,
almost always (if not always) votes Democrat in the Presidential elections.

As I posted on this subject back in 2005:


Kerry won in Shadowville
Will Dockery

7 years ago

From the morning newspaper:

"John Kerry [...] led President George W. Bush by a comfortable
2,800-vote margin in Muscogee County, another Democratic stronghold...

Democrats took Muscogee County by 4,000-5,000 votes in 2000, 1996 and
1992. The Republicans, behind G.H.W. Bush, captured the county in

This year's results show the Kerry-Edwards team claiming 32,772 votes,
or 51.36 percent. The Bush-Cheney combination recieved 30,702 vote, or
48.12 percent."

The people of Columbus-Phenix City are not easily fooled, which is why they
make up some of the finest audiences in the world.

Music & poetry from Will Dockery & Friends:
Hell Stomper
2012-10-31 14:25:41 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Funny thing, though, is that in the "Red State of Georgia" our Muscogee
County, which is where the Columbus of this Columbus Forum is located,
almost always (if not always) votes Democrat in the Presidential elections.
Kerry won in Shadowville
Will Dockery
7 years ago
"John Kerry [...] led President George W. Bush by a comfortable
2,800-vote margin in Muscogee County, another Democratic stronghold...
Democrats took Muscogee County by 4,000-5,000 votes in 2000, 1996 and
1992. The Republicans, behind G.H.W. Bush, captured the county in
This year's results show the Kerry-Edwards team claiming 32,772 votes,
or 51.36 percent. The Bush-Cheney combination recieved 30,702 vote, or
48.12 percent."
The people of Columbus-Phenix City are not easily fooled, which is why they
make up some of the finest audiences in the world.
Music & poetry from Will Dockery & Friends:http://www.reverbnation.com/willdockery
I actually voted for Lurch myself. I was strongly anti-Bush, and
still am. Iraq was a amateurish mistake by a rank amateur president,
like the one we have now.
Will Dockery
2012-11-05 09:18:56 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Funny thing, though, is that in the "Red State of Georgia" our Muscogee
County, which is where the Columbus of this Columbus Forum is located,
almost always (if not always) votes Democrat in the Presidential elections.
Kerry won in Shadowville
Will Dockery
7 years ago
"John Kerry [...] led President George W. Bush by a comfortable
2,800-vote margin in Muscogee County, another Democratic stronghold...
Democrats took Muscogee County by 4,000-5,000 votes in 2000, 1996 and
1992. The Republicans, behind G.H.W. Bush, captured the county in
This year's results show the Kerry-Edwards team claiming 32,772 votes,
or 51.36 percent. The Bush-Cheney combination recieved 30,702 vote, or
48.12 percent."
The people of Columbus-Phenix City are not easily fooled, which is why they
make up some of the finest audiences in the world.
Music & poetry from Will Dockery &
I actually voted for Lurch myself. I was strongly anti-Bush, and
still am. Iraq was a amateurish mistake by a rank amateur president,
like the one we have now.

*** John Kerry?

Yes, I voted for him as well, though he didn't really excite me... did what
I could to make Bush a one-termer, at least I could say.
Shark Pact Manifesto / Will Dockery & Shadowville All-Stars:

Will Dockery
2012-11-05 09:22:01 UTC
"Hieronymous707" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:e19c2982-2ea3-49e3-b21e-***@googlegroups.com...
I don't take your meaning. The very nature of the Presidency is such that
all presidents begin as "amateurs" and for better or worse must learn their
position and establish their place in history on the job. I fervently
disagree with the philosophy and policies set forth by the Bush
administration which is not quite the same as being "anti-Bush". I have
significant issues and areas of disagreement with the present administration
as well which is not quite the same as being "anti-Obama". People make
mistakes. People disagree. People learn to work together for mutual benefit.
The suggestion that the person elected President of the United States is not
fully committed of mind, body, and spirit to the well being of those sworn
to defend him, and by extension his country, would be laughable if it
weren't for people like you how would seriously suggest it.

*** Is that a good thing or a bad thing, though?
Shark Pact Manifesto / Will Dockery & Shadowville All-Stars:
Will Dockery
2012-11-05 09:28:12 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
I don't take your meaning. The very nature of the Presidency is such that
all presidents begin as "amateurs" and for better or worse must learn
their position and establish their place in history on the job. I
fervently disagree with the philosophy and policies set forth by the Bush
administration which is not quite the same as being "anti-Bush". I have
significant issues and areas of disagreement with the present
administration as well which is not quite the same as being "anti-Obama".
People make mistakes. People disagree. People learn to work together for
mutual benefit. The suggestion that the person elected President of the
United States is not fully committed of mind, body, and spirit to the well
being of those sworn to defend him, and by extension his country, would be
laughable if it weren't for people like you how would seriously suggest
I suppose I was a bit harsh. Not everybody can be a JFK or a Reagan.

*** Excellent point.
Will Dockery
2012-11-07 04:33:37 UTC
Muscogee County, Georgia votes for:


1. Sunday Alcohol Sales
2. Obama

Over You / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars

Will Dockery
2012-11-21 15:03:17 UTC
Exactly no one else can be JFK or Reagan.
Bumper sticker:

"Don't Blame Me... I Voted For Gary Johnson."
2012-11-21 15:06:28 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Exactly no one else can be JFK or Reagan.
"Don't Blame Me... I Voted For Gary Johnson."
Nobody blames you.
You didn't DO anything.
Will Dockery
2012-11-29 14:06:47 UTC
Exactly no one else can be JFK or Reagan.
"Don't Blame Me... I Voted For Gary Johnson."
Nobody blames you.
You didn't DO anything.
We've all heard that saw... Gary Johnson himself says: "A wasted vote is
voting for somebody you don't believe in and there were a lot of wasted
votes tonight. There were more wasted votes tonight than I've ever seen. We
all should be proud of ourselves because over the next four years none of us
are gonna have to say we are responsible for this. I didn't vote for either
one of 'em, I voted for Gary Johnson," Gary Johnson said.

The Third Party will grow as more and more Americans wake up and reject the
two party monopoly of Republican-Democrat.

Music & poetry from Will Dockery & Friends:
Will Dockery
2012-11-21 16:18:36 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Exactly no one else can be JFK or Reagan.
"Don't Blame Me... I Voted For Gary Johnson."
Nobody blames you.
You didn't DO anything.
Sure I did.

I voted against your corrupt Republican-Democrat monopoly.
Will Dockery
2012-11-29 13:58:54 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Funny thing, though, is that in the "Red State of Georgia" our Muscogee
County, which is where the Columbus of this Columbus Forum is located,
almost always (if not always) votes Democrat in the Presidential elections.
Kerry won in Shadowville
Will Dockery
7 years ago
"John Kerry [...] led President George W. Bush by a comfortable
2,800-vote margin in Muscogee County, another Democratic stronghold...
Democrats took Muscogee County by 4,000-5,000 votes in 2000, 1996 and
1992. The Republicans, behind G.H.W. Bush, captured the county in
This year's results show the Kerry-Edwards team claiming 32,772 votes,
or 51.36 percent. The Bush-Cheney combination recieved 30,702 vote, or
48.12 percent."
Post by Will Dockery
The people of Columbus-Phenix City are not easily fooled, which is why they
make up some of the finest audiences in the world.
Music & poetry from Will Dockery &
I actually voted for Lurch myself. I was strongly anti-Bush, and
still am. Iraq was a amateurish mistake by a rank amateur president,
like the one we have now.
And the complaints continue, from another forum:

Will Dockery Just glad all that is over...
November 23 at 6:56pm · Like · 1
Alicia: But it's not....we still have the next four years....
November 23 at 7:05pm · Like
Will Dockery Alicia, I couldn't stand Romney or Obama, so I voted third
party for Gary Johnson... I just hope to see a valid third party arise in my
lifetime to break up the corrupt Republican-Democrat monopoly. Both parties
are ruining America in their own seperate ways and agendas. In my opinion.
But enough of all that silliness, let's get back to what matters... the
Local Music scene!
November 23 at 7:12pm · Like
Alicia: I understand. I voted for Romney but only because he was the lesser
of the two evils...and I knew if we split the votes it would be a guarantee
that Obama would slide back in. Was a disaster regardless. Wish we had a
no-party government with a presidential board instead on one man heading it
November 23 at 7:14pm · Unlike · 1
Will Dockery I dunno... I'm old enough to remember Nixon, the quintessential
Republican, and I detected a similar /sinister/ gleam in Romney's eyes. The
problem with Obama seems to me that, like Jimmy Carter, he was just /too/
nice for the job of President. We need a real Leader again, which we haven't
seen since at least Clinton, maybe Reagan. Yes, I actually thrived
personally in the Reagan years. Reagan knew how to connect with all people,
a talent the two bozos running this year both lack for very different

Saturday's World AIDs Day show:
MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2012-11-29 14:14:51 UTC
LIBs, with their ceaseless quest for the unearned want Capitalism,
while denying its cause, and STATISM while denying its, dire consequences.

LIBs dare not admit the obviousness of the truth.
They are the Champions of both Dictatorship *AND* Slavery.
And therein lies OBAMA's appeal to the LIBs, that Tragic Irony.

"Who wants a president who’ll
'repeatedly tell you something he knows isn’t true?'"
-- Bill Clinton 2012

If a World Safe for Socialism
be your goal, why WOULDN'T you BURN YOUR MONEY?

No one REALLY appreciates what it must FEEL LIKE to be the Joker.

Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...

Not JUST mistaken, but EVIL.

/dyyds -hhyyho` -yhyhd/ om` -md` -N- `N/ odyhd+ .Nmy `mmh
yNo///`.No .Ns.No -: sN` `mydy :M: `M+ mdo:/: .MyM.+Nhd
`/oydm-:M: mh-M/ `` oN` yN/+M+ :M: `M+ ./oymd..M/mymsyd
`dh:-+N/ ym+-:ym- sm+/+my oN`+No++sN-:Mo///-`M+.my::sN-.M/+MM.yd
`:+o+. -+o+:` `/+/. -/`/: /:`+++++: +. `/oo/. `+.`+/ :/
Will Dockery
2013-01-26 00:00:57 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Funny thing, though, is that in the "Red State of Georgia" our Muscogee
County, which is where the Columbus of this Columbus Forum is located,
almost always (if not always) votes Democrat in the Presidential elections.
Kerry won in Shadowville
Will Dockery
7 years ago
"John Kerry [...] led President George W. Bush by a comfortable
2,800-vote margin in Muscogee County, another Democratic stronghold...
Democrats took Muscogee County by 4,000-5,000 votes in 2000, 1996 and
1992. The Republicans, behind G.H.W. Bush, captured the county in
This year's results show the Kerry-Edwards team claiming 32,772 votes,
or 51.36 percent. The Bush-Cheney combination recieved 30,702 vote, or
48.12 percent."
Post by Will Dockery
The people of Columbus-Phenix City are not easily fooled, which is why they
make up some of the finest audiences in the world.
Music & poetry from Will Dockery &
I actually voted for Lurch myself. I was strongly anti-Bush, and
still am. Iraq was a amateurish mistake by a rank amateur president,
like the one we have now.
Will Dockery Just glad all that is over...
November 23 at 6:56pm · Like · 1
Alicia: But it's not....we still have the next four years....
November 23 at 7:05pm · Like
Will Dockery Alicia, I couldn't stand Romney or Obama, so I voted third
party for Gary Johnson... I just hope to see a valid third party arise in
my lifetime to break up the corrupt Republican-Democrat monopoly. Both
parties are ruining America in their own seperate ways and agendas. In my
opinion. But enough of all that silliness, let's get back to what
matters... the Local Music scene!
November 23 at 7:12pm · Like
Alicia: I understand. I voted for Romney but only because he was the
lesser of the two evils...and I knew if we split the votes it would be a
guarantee that Obama would slide back in. Was a disaster regardless. Wish
we had a no-party government with a presidential board instead on one man
heading it all....
November 23 at 7:14pm · Unlike · 1
Will Dockery I dunno... I'm old enough to remember Nixon, the
quintessential Republican, and I detected a similar /sinister/ gleam in
Romney's eyes. The problem with Obama seems to me that, like Jimmy Carter,
he was just /too/ nice for the job of President. We need a real Leader
again, which we haven't seen since at least Clinton, maybe Reagan. Yes, I
actually thrived personally in the Reagan years. Reagan knew how to
connect with all people, a talent the two bozos running this year both
lack for very different reasons.
Will Dockery
2012-11-03 21:49:11 UTC
Poor Gamble. Always whining. At least Will gets on stage and performs. At
least he writes and records music. What do you do, Gamble?
Good question... what /does/ Gary do?

He sure doesn't write poetry...

Music & poetry from Will Dockery & Friends:
Will Dockery
2012-11-03 21:58:07 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:59:37 -0700 (PDT),
Will gets on stage and performs.
He certainly got on stage, or was carried there.
What he did might be described as a performance
Well thanks for having a listen and giving your opinion... no, the
Columbus-Phenix City music scene isn't perfect, but there's definitely some
hard working talent on these streets.

For another example, here's this particularly strong set from most of the
local performers, including me on a couple of the songs, the tribute show to
our friend Clyde Baker, a singer-songwriter who suddenly passed away in

"Seems To Be No Time", written by Basil Fitzpatrick originally sang by Clyde
Baker, vocal interpretation by Will Dockery / "Bang A Gong" written by Marc
Bolan, vocal by Will Dockery / "Nothing & Nothing" written by Clyde Baker,
vocal Basil Fitzpatrick / "Tonight Is Mine" written by Clyde&#65279; Baker,
Vocal by Derundo Jenkins / "White Rabbit" written by Grace Slick, vocal by
Gini Davidson / "Gloria" written by Van Morrison, vocal by Dan Davidson.

Again, thanks for your time and perspective, PJR.
Will Dockery
2012-11-13 17:37:25 UTC
Nobody blames you.
It was a 1990s/George Bush reference.

Google is your friend.
Funny thing, though, is that in the "Red State of Georgia" our Muscogee
County, which is where the Columbus of this Columbus Forum is located,
almost always (if not always) votes Democrat in the Presidential elections.
Kerry won in Shadowville
Will Dockery
7 years ago
"John Kerry [...] led President George W. Bush by a comfortable
2,800-vote margin in Muscogee County, another Democratic stronghold...
Democrats took Muscogee County by 4,000-5,000 votes in 2000, 1996 and
1992. The Republicans, behind G.H.W. Bush, captured the county in
This year's results show the Kerry-Edwards team claiming 32,772 votes,
or 51.36 percent. The Bush-Cheney combination recieved 30,702 vote, or
48.12 percent."
The people of Columbus-Phenix City are not easily fooled, which is why they
make up some of the finest audiences in the world.
Obama took Muscogee County, Romney took Georgia, and I have the option of
getting the "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Johnson" bumper sticker... as Gary
Johnson put it:

"A wasted vote is voting for somebody you don't believe in and there were a
lot of wasted votes tonight. There were more wasted votes tonight than I've
ever seen. We all should be proud of ourselves because over the next four
years none of us are gonna have to say we are responsible for this. I didn't
vote for either one of 'em, I voted for Gary Johnson," Gary Johnson said.

Over You / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
2012-11-13 17:44:08 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Nobody blames you.
It was a
I know exactly what it was.
Still, nobody blames you
because you didn't do anything.