Welfare blacks in your high-$$$ white gated communities thanks to Obama HUD.
(too old to reply)
Lawrence Polk
2013-08-15 08:09:42 UTC
And you're gonna pay for it in the name of diversity. Prepare
for the black invasion.

Maybe your daughter or wife will have a black baby to show for
it soon.


-- Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in
a July 16 speech to the NAACP about a new regulation and
database aimed at adding “protected classes” into predominantly
white neighborhoods.

The federal government is getting serious about pushing racial
and ethnic diversity into America’s neighborhoods--and is using
big data and big money to achieve its aims.

A new interactive database will help regulators, local housing
officials and individuals take action on a newly proposed
regulation that would require agencies to “affirmatively
further” the inclusion of minority residents in white

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan announced
the database and regulation at last week’s NAACP convention,
saying the Obama administration was battling “a quieter form of
discrimination” that was “just as harmful” as long-outlawed
segregationist practices, like racially restrictive property

The problem now, Donovan said, is that prospective minority
buyers are not being encouraged to move into predominantly white
neighborhoods with top-notch schools, government services and
amenities like grocery stories, etc.

The goal here then is to continue to prosecute at a high rate
incidences deemed proactively segregationist – Donovan touted
25,000 individuals in the past 3 years being paid damages under
cases reported to the agency or independently investigated by
HUD – but to add in a mandate for diversifying neighborhoods.

The old way was to punish exclusion. The new way is to punish
lack of inclusion.

The punishment is also different. Rather than fines and
prosecutions for those who sought to keep minorities out, the
new penalty would be a withholding of federal funds from local
and state government agencies dependent on HUD grants if they
fail to push greater diversity. The way those agencies interact
with developers, realtors, homeowners associations and others
would need to reflect the federal push for diversity.

The report card comes in the form of the new maps, which use
Census data to score communities on their racial and ethnic
concentrations, as well as income and community services. Check
out the Atlanta suburbs. South of Dekalb Avenue, the dots are
mostly green – black residents – and north of Dekalb Avenue, the
dots are mostly blue – white residents.

HUD wants a more even distribution of blue and green dots in the
city and if you are planning a new subdivision or a realtor
looking to sign potential buyers up for FHA loans, the dot
distribution is something the Obama administration wants you to
be mindful of. And your local zoning board, county commission or
state real estate licensing bureau ought to be mindful too,
since their funding could depend on it.

As for what happens if you live in a place like Brooke County,
W.Va. where every dot is blue? Would the local housing authority
have to recruit non-blue dots to the county in order to not risk
federal funds? What if no holders of green dots want to come to
live on Apple Pie Ridge Rd.?

What about all the green dots at the intersection of West MLK
Blvd. and Crenshaw in Inglewood, Calif.? It will not presumably
be necessary for local city planners to recruit blue dots for
that map.

And what about the fact that the real estate purchases
increasingly begin on the color-blind Internet? Would one need
to declare the color of their dot before entering the search

At a time when Americans are on high alert about government
snooping and databases, and we have still unfolding before us at
the IRS a story about how readily power can be abused for
political aims, it would seem like a strange moment to put the
federal government in the dot distribution business.

Stanislaus Stewart
2013-08-15 22:19:25 UTC
Post by Lawrence Polk
And you're gonna pay for it in the name of diversity. Prepare
for the black invasion.
Maybe your daughter or wife will have a black baby to show for
it soon.
-- Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in
a July 16 speech to the NAACP about a new regulation and
database aimed at adding “protected classes” into predominantly
white neighborhoods.
The federal government is getting serious about pushing racial
and ethnic diversity into America’s neighborhoods--and is using
big data and big money to achieve its aims.
A new interactive database will help regulators, local housing
officials and individuals take action on a newly proposed
regulation that would require agencies to “affirmatively
further” the inclusion of minority residents in white
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan announced
the database and regulation at last week’s NAACP convention,
saying the Obama administration was battling “a quieter form of
discrimination” that was “just as harmful” as long-outlawed
segregationist practices, like racially restrictive property
The problem now, Donovan said, is that prospective minority
buyers are not being encouraged to move into predominantly white
neighborhoods with top-notch schools, government services and
amenities like grocery stories, etc.
The goal here then is to continue to prosecute at a high rate
incidences deemed proactively segregationist – Donovan touted
25,000 individuals in the past 3 years being paid damages under
cases reported to the agency or independently investigated by
HUD – but to add in a mandate for diversifying neighborhoods.
The old way was to punish exclusion. The new way is to punish
lack of inclusion.
The punishment is also different. Rather than fines and
prosecutions for those who sought to keep minorities out, the
new penalty would be a withholding of federal funds from local
and state government agencies dependent on HUD grants if they
fail to push greater diversity. The way those agencies interact
with developers, realtors, homeowners associations and others
would need to reflect the federal push for diversity.
The report card comes in the form of the new maps, which use
Census data to score communities on their racial and ethnic
concentrations, as well as income and community services. Check
out the Atlanta suburbs. South of Dekalb Avenue, the dots are
mostly green – black residents – and north of Dekalb Avenue, the
dots are mostly blue – white residents.
HUD wants a more even distribution of blue and green dots in the
city and if you are planning a new subdivision or a realtor
looking to sign potential buyers up for FHA loans, the dot
distribution is something the Obama administration wants you to
be mindful of. And your local zoning board, county commission or
state real estate licensing bureau ought to be mindful too,
since their funding could depend on it.
As for what happens if you live in a place like Brooke County,
W.Va. where every dot is blue? Would the local housing authority
have to recruit non-blue dots to the county in order to not risk
federal funds? What if no holders of green dots want to come to
live on Apple Pie Ridge Rd.?
What about all the green dots at the intersection of West MLK
Blvd. and Crenshaw in Inglewood, Calif.? It will not presumably
be necessary for local city planners to recruit blue dots for
that map.
And what about the fact that the real estate purchases
increasingly begin on the color-blind Internet? Would one need
to declare the color of their dot before entering the search
At a time when Americans are on high alert about government
snooping and databases, and we have still unfolding before us at
the IRS a story about how readily power can be abused for
political aims, it would seem like a strange moment to put the
federal government in the dot distribution business.
Where does it say 'welfare blacks'?

For some odd reason, this is acceptable rhetoric among the conservative
political class. It is especially troubling because every /_reliable
statistic shows that white Americans are the overwhelming beneficiaries
of welfare in this country _/and make up the largest number of those in
poverty by a wide and substantial margin. The Republicans'
well-rehearsed lies on the subject have been so effective that people of
every hue have come to believe them, feeding widespread ignorance about
the true face of poverty and the ever-growing gap between America's rich
and poor.



2013-08-16 04:05:02 UTC
Post by Stanislaus Stewart
Post by Lawrence Polk
And you're gonna pay for it in the name of diversity. Prepare
for the black invasion.
Maybe your daughter or wife will have a black baby to show for
it soon.
-- Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in
a July 16 speech to the NAACP about a new regulation and
database aimed at adding “protected classes” into predominantly
white neighborhoods.
The federal government is getting serious about pushing racial
and ethnic diversity into America’s neighborhoods--and is using
big data and big money to achieve its aims.
Post by Stanislaus Stewart
Where does it say 'welfare blacks'?
For some odd reason, this is acceptable rhetoric among the conservative
political class. It is especially troubling because every /_reliable
statistic shows that white Americans are the overwhelming beneficiaries
of welfare in this country _/and make up the largest number of those in
poverty by a wide and substantial margin. The Republicans'
well-rehearsed lies on the subject have been so effective that people of
every hue have come to believe them, feeding widespread ignorance about
the true face of poverty and the ever-growing gap between America's rich
and poor.
It's the same with absurd stereotypes like "all Jews are rich," and
"all Jews support Zionism."

Unfortunately for this world, too many people believe whatever they
want to believe and thus are apt to believe whatever they hear in
the scripted "news" media. Perhaps they do this because the harsh
realities of this world are too difficult for them to accept?

Evil has always prevailed over this world and there's nothing that
anyone could ever do about that. Evil feeds on good. Evil devours
good. Good is what evil relies on for its sustenance, and this will
never change. The only way for evil to become extinct is for good,
evil's food source, to become universally extinct, thus starving
evil to death.
Stanislaus Stewart
2013-08-16 21:37:57 UTC
Post by Bubba
Post by Stanislaus Stewart
Post by Lawrence Polk
And you're gonna pay for it in the name of diversity. Prepare
for the black invasion.
Maybe your daughter or wife will have a black baby to show for
it soon.
-- Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in
a July 16 speech to the NAACP about a new regulation and
database aimed at adding “protected classes” into predominantly
white neighborhoods.
The federal government is getting serious about pushing racial
and ethnic diversity into America’s neighborhoods--and is using
big data and big money to achieve its aims.
Post by Stanislaus Stewart
Where does it say 'welfare blacks'?
For some odd reason, this is acceptable rhetoric among the conservative
political class. It is especially troubling because every /_reliable
statistic shows that white Americans are the overwhelming beneficiaries
of welfare in this country _/and make up the largest number of those in
poverty by a wide and substantial margin. The Republicans'
well-rehearsed lies on the subject have been so effective that people of
every hue have come to believe them, feeding widespread ignorance about
the true face of poverty and the ever-growing gap between America's rich
and poor.
It's the same with absurd stereotypes like "all Jews are rich," and
"all Jews support Zionism."
Unfortunately for this world, too many people believe whatever they
want to believe and thus are apt to believe whatever they hear in
the scripted "news" media. Perhaps they do this because the harsh
realities of this world are too difficult for them to accept?
Evil has always prevailed over this world and there's nothing that
anyone could ever do about that. Evil feeds on good. Evil devours
good. Good is what evil relies on for its sustenance, and this will
never change. The only way for evil to become extinct is for good,
evil's food source, to become universally extinct, thus starving
evil to death.
Hmmm!! A difficult job, as good is sometimes found having fun with evil.

“A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this
manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and
evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the
time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied,
The one I feed the most.”
―George Bernard Shaw

“In each of us, two natures are at war – the good and the evil. All our
lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But
in our own hands lies the power to choose – what we want most to be we

All human beings are commingled out of good and evil.
―Robert Louis Stevenson

2013-08-17 01:13:51 UTC
Post by Stanislaus Stewart
Post by Bubba
Post by Stanislaus Stewart
Post by Lawrence Polk
And you're gonna pay for it in the name of diversity. Prepare
for the black invasion.
Maybe your daughter or wife will have a black baby to show for
it soon.
-- Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in
a July 16 speech to the NAACP about a new regulation and
database aimed at adding “protected classes” into predominantly
white neighborhoods.
The federal government is getting serious about pushing racial
and ethnic diversity into America’s neighborhoods--and is using
big data and big money to achieve its aims.
Post by Stanislaus Stewart
Where does it say 'welfare blacks'?
For some odd reason, this is acceptable rhetoric among the conservative
political class. It is especially troubling because every /_reliable
statistic shows that white Americans are the overwhelming beneficiaries
of welfare in this country _/and make up the largest number of those in
poverty by a wide and substantial margin. The Republicans'
well-rehearsed lies on the subject have been so effective that people of
every hue have come to believe them, feeding widespread ignorance about
the true face of poverty and the ever-growing gap between America's rich
and poor.
It's the same with absurd stereotypes like "all Jews are rich," and
"all Jews support Zionism."
Unfortunately for this world, too many people believe whatever they
want to believe and thus are apt to believe whatever they hear in
the scripted "news" media. Perhaps they do this because the harsh
realities of this world are too difficult for them to accept?
Evil has always prevailed over this world and there's nothing that
anyone could ever do about that. Evil feeds on good. Evil devours
good. Good is what evil relies on for its sustenance, and this will
never change. The only way for evil to become extinct is for good,
evil's food source, to become universally extinct, thus starving
evil to death.
Hmmm!! A difficult job, as good is sometimes found having fun with evil.
“A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this
manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and
evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the
time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied,
The one I feed the most.”
―George Bernard Shaw
“In each of us, two natures are at war – the good and the evil. All our
lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But
in our own hands lies the power to choose – what we want most to be we
All human beings are commingled out of good and evil.
―Robert Louis Stevenson
That's what we get for being human which the government has nothing to
do with.
